Exploring the History of Cyprus Airways

Uncovering the past of Cyprus Airways: an in-depth look.

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Established in 1947, Cyprus Airways was the national airline of Cyprus for nearly 70 years. From its humble beginnings as a single-aircraft charter flight operator, the airline grew to become a major presence in the region with a fleet of over 20 aircraft. In the decades that followed, it saw both tremendous successes and devastating financial struggles before finally being acquired by TUS Airways in 2015. This article takes a look at the history of Cyprus Airways, exploring its origins, major milestones, and eventual decline.

Early History of Cyprus Airways

Cyprus Airways was founded on 1 February 1947 by a group of Greek and British investors as a charter flight operator. The company operated its first flight from Nicosia to Cairo on 23 April 1947, and soon began to offer flights to London and Athens.

By 1950, the company had expanded its fleet to include a number of Dakotas, DC-3s, and Viscounts, enabling the airline to become a major charter flight provider for British servicemen stationed in Cyprus. The airline was also renamed Cyprus Airways Ltd. to reflect its new status.

Expansion of the Fleet

Cyprus Airways continued to expand its fleet and routes throughout the 1950s and 1960s. In 1957, the airline introduced its first jet aircraft – the Bristol Britannia – and soon added a number of Boeing 720Bs to its fleet. The introduction of jet aircraft enabled the airline to begin offering scheduled services to European cities such as London, Rome, and Paris.

By the 1970s, the airline was operating a fleet of over 20 aircraft, including Boeing 707s, 737s, and 727s. This allowed the airline to expand its services to include destinations in the Middle East and North Africa, including Beirut, Damascus, and Jeddah.

Major Milestones

Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, Cyprus Airways continued to grow and modernize its fleet. In 1983, the airline acquired its first Airbus A310-200 and began operating long-haul flights to destinations such as New York, Toronto, and Mumbai.

In 1997, the airline celebrated its 50th anniversary and unveiled a new corporate identity and logo. The new logo featured the Cypriot national flag and was designed to represent the airline’s commitment to its home country.

Financial Struggles and Decline

By the early 2000s, the airline was facing significant financial difficulties due to rising fuel costs and increased competition. In 2004, the company was forced to file for bankruptcy and its fleet was grounded.

The airline was later acquired by a private investor in 2006 and resumed operations in 2007. However, the airline was again forced to ground its fleet in 2009 due to financial difficulties and it eventually ceased operations in 2015.

Acquisition by TUS Airways

In 2015, Cyprus Airways was acquired by TUS Airways, a newly-formed Cypriot airline. TUS Airways offered to take over the existing fleet of 14 aircraft and re-launch Cyprus Airways as a low-cost carrier. However, the takeover was ultimately rejected by the Cypriot government and the airline’s brand and livery were discontinued.

Legacy of Cyprus Airways

Despite its financial struggles and ultimate demise, Cyprus Airways remains an important part of the country’s aviation history. It was the first airline to offer scheduled services in Cyprus and its fleet of over 20 aircraft made it one of the leading in the region.

The airline was also an important part of the country’s economy, providing employment to thousands of Cypriots over the years. It also helped to boost tourism in the region, connecting Cyprus to major cities around the world.

Final Thoughts

From its humble beginnings as a single-aircraft charter flight provider to its ultimate demise in 2015, the history of Cyprus Airways serves as a reminder of the ever-changing nature of the airline industry. Although the airline is no longer in operation, it will always remain an important part of Cypriot aviation history.

The rise and fall of Cyprus Airways is a fascinating story that serves as an important reminder of the ups and downs of the airline industry. Despite its financial difficulties and ultimate demise, the airline will always remain an important part of Cypriot aviation history and its legacy will live on in the hearts of its many former passengers.