Air India Express Engine Catches Fire

An Air India Express plane engine catches fire, prompting emergency landing.

Aerofleets News5

The Indian aviation industry was rocked by a major safety scare recently when an Air India Express Boeing 737 engine caught fire mid-flight. The pilot’s quick thinking and prompt response averted a disaster, and the flight was able to land safely, with all passengers and crew members on board unharmed. An investigation has been launched to determine the cause of the fire.

Air India Express Engine Catches Fire
The incident took place on a flight from Tiruchirappalli to Dubai. Just after takeoff, the crew noticed an engine fire. The pilot immediately shut down the affected engine and the aircraft diverted to Goa. In a statement, Air India Express said that the pilot followed the safety procedure and landed the plane safely. All the passengers and crew on board were safe and the airline is working to arrange alternative transport for the passengers.

Pilot’s Quick Thinking Averts Disaster
The incident proves that the pilot’s quick thinking and prompt response were decisive in averting a disaster. According to a passenger who was on board the flight, he and the other passengers were aware of the fire and were scared, but the pilot managed to land the plane safely. Air India Express has expressed its gratitude to the pilot for his presence of mind and handling of the situation.

Investigation Launched Into Cause of Fire
The Priavte Aircraft Accident Investigation Bureau (PAAIB) has launched an investigation into the cause of the fire. The team of experts will look into the details of the incident to ascertain the cause and offer suggestions for avoiding similar incidents in the future. The investigation is expected to take some time and the results will be made public soon.

The Air India Express engine fire incident is a wake-up call for the aviation industry in India. It is proof of the importance of pilots’ quick thinking and prompt response in averting a disaster. The Private Aircraft Accident Investigation Bureau has launched an investigation into the cause of the fire and the results of the investigation will be made public soon.


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