Pilots Take Extreme Heat Precautions

In soaring summer heat, pilots are taking extra precautions to stay safe.

Aerofleets News18


The summer is upon us and with it comes soaring temperatures. For pilots, the heat can be especially challenging, as they must contend with the high temperatures that come with being in the air. Pilots must take extreme heat precautions if they are to stay safe and keep the aircraft functioning properly. In this article, we will look at the challenges faced by pilots when it comes to high heat and the strategies they employ to keep cool and stay safe.

Pilots Face Scorching Temperatures

Pilots are no strangers to hot temperatures. Aircraft cabins are typically not air conditioned, leaving pilots to deal with the already hot temperatures that come with being in the air. These temperatures can be especially challenging during takeoff and landing, when the aircraft is in direct sunlight and can get as hot as 140°F. At such temperatures, pilots must be extra vigilant when it comes to their well-being and the aircraft’s performance.

Taking Heat Precautions

To cope with the high temperatures, pilots take several precautions. First, they wear lighter clothing to help stay cool. In addition, they often manually control the temperature in the cockpit by opening the windows or using the aircraft’s air-conditioning system to keep the temperature comfortable. Pilots have also been known to bring along coolers of food and drinks to keep them hydrated and energized during their flights.

Strategies for Coping with High Heat

Aside from taking precautions to keep cool and comfortable, pilots must also be careful to ensure the safety of their aircraft and passengers. Hot temperatures can put a strain on an aircraft’s systems and performance, which is why pilots must be aware of the signs of heat stress and monitor their aircraft’s performance. They should also avoid flying in extreme heat conditions if possible and, when they do, they should take the necessary precautions to keep their aircraft in top condition.


Pilots face the challenge of high temperatures every summer. Although it can be difficult to cope with the heat, pilots take extreme heat precautions to stay safe and keep their aircraft in top condition. By being aware of the signs of heat stress, monitoring their aircraft’s performance, and taking the necessary precautions, pilots can ensure a safe and comfortable flight for their passengers and themselves.


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