The Rise and Fall of Laker Airways

"The rise and fall of Laker Airways: the story of a once successful airline".

Aerofleets News19


Laker Airways is a once-beloved British airline that rose to fame in the late 1960s and operated until 1982. Founded by Sir Freddie Laker, Laker Airways was a pioneering low-cost carrier and a major player in the airline industry. Despite its short lifespan, the airline had an immense impact on the industry and remains a beloved carrier in the hearts of its former passengers. This article will explore the rise and fall of Laker Airways, as well as its lasting legacy in the airline industry.

Laker Airways: An Unforgettable Journey

Laker Airways was created by Sir Freddie Laker in 1966. Laker’s vision was to make air travel accessible to everyday people. He wanted to make flying more affordable and revolutionize the airline industry. Laker Airways quickly became the largest low-cost carrier in Europe, with a fleet of over 20 Boeing jet aircraft. The airline flew to over 20 destinations in Europe, North America, and the Caribbean.

In addition to its low fares, Laker Airways also offered unique services such as onboard entertainment, dining, and relaxation lounges. Passengers could enjoy gourmet meals and drinks while watching films on the plane’s television screens. For many passengers, this was the first time they had ever flown and the experience was unforgettable.

The Rise of an Iconic British Airline

During the 1970s, Laker Airways experienced tremendous success. The airline was carrying over one million passengers a year and its popularity was at an all-time high. It was the first airline in the world to offer a low-fare, no frills ‘Skytrain’ service between London and New York.

The Skytrain service was an instant hit, and the airline quickly gained a reputation for offering cheap, reliable flights. Laker Airways was also the first airline to introduce yield management, a system used to maximize profits by adjusting fares based on demand. This allowed the airline to offer cheap flights without sacrificing profits.

The Fall of a Once-Beloved Carrier

Unfortunately, the story of Laker Airways did not have a happy ending. The airline experienced significant financial difficulties in the early 1980s and eventually went into receivership in 1982. The company was severely over-extended and could not compete with larger, more established airlines.

Laker Airways’ fall was a major loss for the airline industry. The airline was one of the first low-cost carriers and was instrumental in revolutionizing air travel. Although the airline is no longer around, its legacy lives on in the form of low-cost carriers such as Ryanair, EasyJet, and Southwest Airlines.


Laker Airways was an iconic British airline that rose to fame in the late 1960s and had a lasting impact on the industry. The airline was a pioneer in the airline industry, offering unique services and low-fare, no frills flights. Sadly, the airline was unable to survive and went into receivership in 1982. Even though the airline is no longer around, its legacy lives on in the form of low-cost carriers that continue to revolutionize air travel.


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