Emirates and Lufthansa to Provide Flying Aid to Turkey

Emirates and Lufthansa join forces to fly aid to Turkey.

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In a bid to help Turkey in its fight against the Coronavirus pandemic, two of the world’s biggest airlines, Emirates and Lufthansa, have come together to provide much needed flying aid. Both of these international airlines have now partnered to lend their assistance in the form of flights and support, to deliver medical supplies and equipment to Turkey where the crisis has been particularly severe.

Emirates and Lufthansa Unite on Flying Aid

Emirates, a Dubai-based airline, has joined hands with its German counterpart, Lufthansa, to provide much needed aid for Turkey. The two airlines have now collaborated in the form of a joint venture to provide flights and support services to deliver medical supplies and equipment to Turkey. The two airlines have also committed to work together in other areas, such as human resource management, to ensure the success of the aid initiative.

The initiative was launched in response to Turkey’s request for international aid in its fight against the Coronavirus pandemic. Emirates and Lufthansa have agreed to work together to facilitate the delivery of medical supplies and equipment to the country. Emirates has also committed to the cause by providing aircraft to transport the supplies and personnel, while Lufthansa has agreed to provide technical support and expertise in the form of logistics and operations.

Turkish Relief Effort Boosted by International Airlines

The partnership between Emirates and Lufthansa has provided a much needed boost to Turkey’s relief effort in the fight against the Coronavirus. By combining their resources and expertise, the two airlines have been able to provide a much more efficient and effective system for the delivery of medical supplies and equipment. The initiative has also been welcomed by the Turkish government, who have expressed their gratitude for the assistance provided.

The initiative is part of a larger effort by international airlines, who have joined forces to provide aid to countries in need. This is not the first time that Emirates and Lufthansa have come together to provide aid in the form of flights and support. The two airlines have a long history of working together in times of crisis, and this latest effort is just another example of their commitment to helping others in need.

Joint Venture Sees Airlines Cooperate in the Face of Crisis

The joint venture between Emirates and Lufthansa is only the latest example of the two airlines working together to provide aid in times of crisis. The two airlines have a long history of collaboration, and their latest effort is yet another example of their commitment to helping others in need. The joint venture will also help to ensure that the delivery of medical supplies and equipment is done in a more efficient and effective manner.

Both Emirates and Lufthansa have expressed their gratitude for the assistance provided by the Turkish government. They have also thanked the people of Turkey for their support, and for their commitment to the fight against the Coronavirus pandemic. The joint venture between Emirates and Lufthansa is a prime example of international cooperation in the face of a global crisis.


The partnership between Emirates and Lufthansa is a prime example of international cooperation in the face of a global crisis. By combining their resources and expertise, the two airlines have been able to provide a much needed boost to Turkey’s relief effort in the fight against the Coronavirus. Their joint venture has provided a more efficient and effective system for the delivery of medical supplies and equipment, and has been welcomed by the Turkish government. As the world continues to battle the Coronavirus pandemic, initiatives such as this one demonstrate that international cooperation remains essential in the face of a global crisis.


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