A Complete Guide to Airport Structure Marking Lights

A comprehensive guide to understanding and navigating airport structure marking lights.

Aerofleets News19


Airport structure marking lights are an essential part of airport operations and safety. These lights are installed on the edges of runways, taxiways, and other airport structures to provide vital information to pilots, controllers, and ground crews. By providing a visual indication of the shape and size of the airport structure, these lights help to ensure safe and efficient navigation and control of air traffic within the airport. This article provides a comprehensive guide to airport structure marking lights, including an overview of their design and purpose, a discussion of the different types of marking lights, and the advantages they offer.

Understanding Airport Marking Lights

Airport structure marking lights are an essential part of any airport’s operation. These lights are installed on the edges of runways, taxiways, and other structures to provide pilots, controllers, and ground crews with visual information about the size and shape of the airport structure. The lights come in various colors and configurations, and each type serves a different purpose. The most common colors are white, blue, and green, with white being the most visible. The location of the lights and their configuration can vary depending on the size and shape of the airport structure, as well as the direction of the runway.

Different Types of Marking Lights

Airport structure marking lights come in a variety of colors and configurations, each designed to serve a specific purpose. The most common colors are white, blue, and green, with white being the most visible. White airport structure marking lights are used to indicate the edges of runways, taxiways, and other airport structures. Blue lights are used to indicate the location of runway and taxiway intersections, and green lights are used to indicate the centerline of runways. Additionally, there are yellow, red, and amber lights used to indicate other specific information such as the location of airfield hazards.

Advantages of Marking Lights

The use of airport structure marking lights provides several advantages to airport operations. By providing a visual indication of the size and shape of the airport structure, these lights help pilots, controllers, and ground crews to safely and efficiently navigate the airfield. Additionally, the lights help to reduce the risk of accidents and incidents by providing a visual reference for aircraft and ground crews. Finally, the lights are also useful in helping pilots to identify their position on the airfield, allowing them to make more informed and timely decisions.


Airport structure marking lights are an essential part of any airport’s operations and safety. By providing a visual indication of the size and shape of the airport structure, these lights help to ensure safe and efficient navigation and control of air traffic within the airport. This article provided an overview of airport structure marking lights, discussing the different types of marking lights, and the advantages they offer. With the information provided in this guide, airport personnel can better understand the importance of airport structure marking lights and use them to ensure a safe and efficient operation.


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