Asia-Pacific Lagging on Sustainability Reporting

Asia-Pacific lagging on sustainability reporting: region lags behind global peers in corporate disclosure.

Aerofleets News


Sustainability reporting is an increasingly important part of doing business. It is a way for companies to demonstrate their commitment to environmental and social responsibility and to track their progress in this area. Unfortunately, many companies in the Asia-Pacific region are lagging behind when it comes to sustainability reporting. This article will explore the reasons behind this, as well as strategies for improving reporting practices.

Asia-Pacific Lags in Sustainability Reporting

According to the Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB), a body responsible for setting global standards for sustainability reporting, only half of the world’s large companies in the Asia-Pacific region have adopted sustainability reporting practices. This is in comparison to the global average of 65%. This means that many companies in the Asia-Pacific region are not meeting the standards set by the GSSB and are not providing adequate information about their sustainability practices.

Reasons for Sustainability Reporting Deficits

There are several factors contributing to the low adoption rate of sustainability reporting in the Asia-Pacific region. One of the main reasons is the lack of awareness about the importance of sustainability reporting. Many companies have yet to understand the benefits of such reporting and are not taking the necessary steps to implement it. Additionally, there is a lack of regulation in the region, which has limited the pressure on companies to report on their sustainability practices.

Another factor is the lack of resources. Companies in the region often lack the financial resources and personnel to implement sustainability reporting. This means that they are unable to gather the necessary data, analyze it, and publish it in a timely manner. Additionally, the lack of skilled personnel has been a major issue, as companies often do not have the expertise to effectively implement sustainability reporting.

Strategies for Improving Reporting Practices

There are a number of strategies that companies in the Asia-Pacific region can use to improve their sustainability reporting practices. One of the most important is to create awareness and educate their employees and stakeholders about the importance of sustainability reporting. This could be done through workshops and conferences, as well as through social media and other media outlets.

Another strategy is to create incentives for companies to report on their sustainability practices. This could be done through the creation of regulations or through the provision of financial and technical assistance. Additionally, companies can work together to create a framework for sustainability reporting, which could be used as a template for all companies in the region.

Finally, companies should focus on improving their internal capabilities for gathering and analyzing data. This could involve investing in technology and training personnel to become experts in sustainability reporting. Additionally, companies should seek out external assistance from consultants and other experts who can provide advice and guidance on how to effectively implement sustainability reporting.


In conclusion, sustainability reporting is becoming increasingly important in the Asia-Pacific region. Unfortunately, many companies are lagging behind when it comes to reporting on their sustainability practices. To address this issue, companies should focus on creating awareness and implementing incentives, as well as investing in their internal capabilities. With the right strategies, companies can make great strides in improving their sustainability reporting practices and contribute to a more sustainable future.


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