Boeing 247 Celebrates 90th Anniversary of First Flight

Today marks the 90th anniversary of Boeing's 247 making history with its first flight.

Aerofleets News18


The Boeing 247 celebrated its 90th anniversary of its first flight on July 1st, 2020. The aircraft is known as the world’s first true modern passenger airliner and is credited for kickstarting the commercial aviation industry. The iconic aircraft has been a major influence in the development of aviation technology and infrastructure over the past nine decades.

Boeing 247 Marks 90 Years Since Inception

The Boeing 247 began its journey in 1933, when the aircraft took to the skies for its maiden flight in the United States. It was the product of two years of research, development and testing and was the first commercial airliner to feature a retractable landing gear, wing flaps, a variable-pitch propeller and trailing-edge flaps. The 247 was also a revolutionary aircraft in terms of its speed, with the first model able to reach a maximum speed of 230 mph.

The aircraft quickly became a popular choice for both commercial and military operations, with the US Army Air Corps, United Airlines and Pan American World Airways all placing orders for the advanced airliner. The 247 was also a vital aircraft during the Second World War, playing an integral role in the Berlin Airlift of 1948.

Celebrating the Pioneering Commercial Aircraft

The 247 was designed and developed under the leadership of William E. Boeing, founder of the Boeing Company. The advanced airliner was one of the first aircrafts to be made using the advanced riveted aluminum skin process, a breakthrough technology that was adopted by almost all aircraft manufacturers in the decades that followed.

The Boeing 247 also played an important role in the development of the global aviation infrastructure. The aircraft was one of the first commercial airliners to make use of the air traffic control system, which was launched in the United States in 1935. The 247 was also instrumental in opening up new routes between major cities in the United States, allowing for the expansion of the commercial aviation industry.

Iconic Design Still Influencing Aviation Today

The design of the 247 continues to have an influence on modern aviation technology. Many of the features present in the 247 have been adopted by modern aircraft, such as retractable landing gear, wing flaps and variable-pitch propellers. The aircraft also inspired the development of autopilot systems, with the 247 being the first airliner to feature an autopilot system.

The Boeing 247 remains an iconic aircraft in the history of aviation. Its 90th anniversary is a reminder of the pioneering technology and design that has made air travel what it is today. The legacy of the 247 can still be seen in the modern aircrafts around the world and its impact on the aviation industry is still felt today.


The Boeing 247 was an iconic aircraft that revolutionized the commercial aviation industry and has had a lasting impact on the development of modern aviation technology. The 90th anniversary of its first flight marks an important milestone in the history of aviation and is a reminder of the incredible advancements made over the past nine decades. The 247 continues to serve as an inspiration for aircraft designers and engineers, who are still inspired by its iconic design and revolutionary technology.


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