Comparing the Boeing 747-400 and 747-8: Visual Differences

A look at the visual differences between two of Boeing's iconic 747 models.

Aerofleets News8


The iconic Boeing 747 series of airplanes has been a staple in aviation for over 50 years. The 747 series has seen numerous iterations and upgrades over the years, but two of the most popular models are the 747-400 and the 747-8. Both of these models feature distinct visual differences that can easily be spotted. In this article, we will be comparing the two planes and looking at the visual differences between them.

Comparing the 747-400 and 747-8

The Boeing 747-400 was first introduced in 1989 and was the first major redesign of the original 747. It featured a longer fuselage, larger wings, and a higher fuel capacity. It was also the first 747 to feature a glass cockpit and the first to be fitted with a digital fly-by-wire system. The 747-8 is the latest iteration of the 747 and was introduced in 2011. It features a longer fuselage, larger wings, more efficient engines, and a redesigned cabin. It also features a larger cargo capacity and greater range than the 747-400.

Visual Differences Between the Two Models

The most obvious visual difference between the two models is the size. The 747-8 is significantly longer than the 747-400, measuring 250 feet as compared to the 747-400’s 225 feet. The 747-8 also has a wider wingspan, measuring just over 235 feet compared to the 747-400’s 218 feet. Furthermore, the 747-8 has a noticeably larger tail fin than the 747-400. Additionally, the 747-8 features the distinctive curved winglet, a feature that the 747-400 did not have.

Investigating the Iconic Jumbo Jet

The Boeing 747 is an iconic jet that has been a staple in aviation for decades. It has seen numerous redesigns and upgrades, with the 747-400 and the 747-8 being two of the most popular models. Despite their similarities, the two models feature distinct visual differences that can easily be spotted. The 747-8 is larger in size and features a redesigned tail fin and curved winglet. For anyone interested in investigating the iconic jumbo jet, these visual differences are sure to be a great point of interest.


In conclusion, the Boeing 747 has been a staple in aviation for over 50 years and has seen numerous iterations and upgrades. Two of the most popular models are the 747-400 and the 747-8, and despite their similarities, the two models feature distinct visual differences. The 747-8 is larger in size and features a redesigned tail fin and curved winglet. Ultimately, the visual differences between the two models make them a great point of interest for anyone interested in investigating the iconic jumbo jet.


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