DoJ Gives Spirit, JetBlue 30-Day Decision Deadline

DoJ sets Spirit, JetBlue deadline: 30 days to decide.

Aerofleets News1


The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has given JetBlue and Spirit Airlines a 30-day deadline to comply with federal aviation regulations. This deadline is intended to ensure that the two major airlines are following the regulations and protecting the rights of their passengers. The DOJ has outlined the potential consequences of non-compliance and the consequences could be severe for the companies if they fail to meet the deadline.

DOJ Sets 30-Day Deadline for JetBlue, Spirit

The Department of Justice has given JetBlue and Spirit Airlines a 30-day deadline to comply with federal aviation regulations. The DOJ has been investigating the airlines for potential violations of the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The deadlines have been set to ensure that the airlines are following the regulations and protecting their passengers, including those with disabilities.

Airlines Given Deadline to Comply With Federal Aviation Regulations

The DOJ has given the airlines 30 days to comply with the federal aviation regulations. The airlines must demonstrate that they are meeting the standards set out in the ACAA and ADA. The DOJ has also requested documentation from the airlines to prove that they are in compliance with the regulations. If the airlines fail to comply with the regulations, they could face severe consequences, including civil penalties and other legal action.

Potential Consequences of Non-Compliance Outlined by DOJ

The DOJ has outlined the potential consequences for non-compliance with the federal aviation regulations. The penalties could include civil penalties and other legal action. The DOJ has also warned that the airlines could be subject to an investigation and enforcement action if they fail to meet the deadline. The DOJ is committed to ensuring that the airlines are complying with the regulations and protecting the rights of their passengers.


The Department of Justice has given JetBlue and Spirit Airlines a 30-day deadline to comply with federal aviation regulations. The DOJ has outlined the potential consequences of non-compliance and the consequences could be severe for the companies if they fail to meet the deadline. The DOJ is committed to ensuring that the airlines are following the regulations and protecting the rights of their passengers.


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