FAA Warns of Laser Dangers to Aircraft

FAA warns laser strikes to planes pose "serious safety hazard".

Aerofleets News19


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is sounding the alarm over the potential danger of laser pointers being used to target aircraft. A growing number of reports of lasers being shone at airplanes during flight has prompted the FAA to issue a warning to pilots, urging them to exercise caution when navigating near populated areas.

FAA Sounds Alarm on Laser Dangers

The FAA has reported an increase in the number of incidents involving lasers being used to target aircraft. In most cases, the lasers are being used by pranksters or to try to distract the pilot, but the FAA is concerned about the potential for serious consequences if a laser were to cause a distraction or worse, temporarily blind the pilot. The agency is urging pilots to be aware of their surroundings and to be extra cautious when flying near populated areas.

In addition to issuing a warning to pilots, the FAA has also taken steps to raise public awareness about the dangers of laser pointers. The agency has launched a website to inform the public of the potential dangers and to encourage people to use lasers responsibly.

Aircraft Pilots Urged to Exercise Caution

The FAA is urging pilots to be on the lookout for laser beams and to take extra precautions when navigating near populated areas. Pilots should avoid flying directly into laser beams and should take steps to protect their eyesight in the event that they are targeted.

The FAA is also asking pilots to report the incident to their local law enforcement agency. By providing information about the location of the laser, law enforcement officials can work to identify the source and take action to prevent further incidents.

Laser Pointers Pose Risk to Air Travel

The FAA is concerned about the potential for laser pointers to cause distractions or worse, to temporarily blind a pilot. In addition to the potential for injury, laser beams can also interfere with the navigation instruments of an aircraft.

The agency is urging people to use laser pointers responsibly and to be aware of the potential dangers posed to aircraft. It is also asking the public to report any incidents of lasers being used to target aircraft to their local law enforcement officials.


The FAA is doing its part to raise awareness of the potential dangers posed by laser pointers and to urge pilots to exercise caution when navigating near populated areas. By taking steps to inform the public of the risks associated with laser pointers, the FAA is hoping to reduce the number of incidents involving lasers being used to target aircraft. For more information, visit the FAA’s website on laser safety.


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