Hawaiian Pilots Accept Offer Until 2023

Hawaiian pilots accept offer to extend contract until 2023.

Aerofleets News19


Hawaiian Airlines and its pilots have recently reached an agreement on a pay increase and job security that will last until 2023. This deal is the result of lengthy negotiations between the two parties and has been received favorably by both sides. The agreement was announced on August 5th, 2020 and is set to be in place until the end of 2023.

Hawaiian Pilots Reach Deal

The agreement between Hawaiian Airlines and its pilots was announced just two weeks after the two parties completed their negotiations. Hawaiian Airlines pilots will receive a 13% pay increase, as well as a 2.75% increase in 401(k) contributions. Other benefits include improved job security, increased vacation days, and improved sick leave benefits. The agreement was reached after months of negotiations and will be in place until the end of 2023.

Agreement Until 2023

The agreement between Hawaiian Airlines and its pilots states that the pay increase and other benefits will be in effect until the end of 2023. During this three-year period, both sides will have the opportunity to negotiate a new deal. The agreement also states that any changes to the contract must be agreed upon by both parties.

Benefits for Both Sides

The agreement between Hawaiian Airlines and its pilots provides many benefits for both sides. For the pilots, the deal provides improved job security, increased vacation days, and improved sick leave benefits. Additionally, Hawaiian Airlines has committed to investing more money in its pilots, providing a 13% pay increase and a 2.75% increase in 401(k) contributions. This agreement is expected to strengthen the relationship between Hawaiian Airlines and its pilots and to ensure the continued success of the airline.


The agreement between Hawaiian Airlines and its pilots is a major step forward for both parties. The deal provides improved job security, increased vacation days, and improved sick leave benefits for Hawaiian Airlines pilots. Additionally, the airline has agreed to invest more money in its pilots, providing a 13% pay increase and a 2.75% increase in 401(k) contributions. This agreement is set to be in place until the end of 2023, giving both sides the opportunity to further negotiate a new deal.


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