On October 8, 2020, an IndiGo A320 flight made an unexpected landing in Amritsar after one of its engines shut down during its journey. Passengers on board the flight were relieved to have landed safely. This article goes into further detail about the emergency situation that was averted due to the quick thinking of the pilots and how the passengers were relieved to have landed safely.
IndiGo Flight Makes Unexpected Landing in Amritsar
The flight departed from Kochi, India, and was headed towards Srinagar, India. The plane was carrying around 184 passengers when one of its engines had to be shut down due to a technical difficulty. The pilots made the decision to make an emergency landing in Amritsar, India. The passengers were informed of the situation and were prepared for the unexpected landing.
Emergency Situation Averted After Engine Shutdown
The plane was able to land safely and all passengers were unharmed. The plane was checked for maintenance and after the necessary repairs were made, the plane continued its journey to its destination. The incident was reported to the Aviation Authority and an investigation is underway.
Passengers Relieved After Smooth Landing
Passengers on board the flight were relieved to have landed safely in Amritsar. The pilots had acted quickly to avert the emergency situation and their quick thinking ensured the safety of all passengers on board. The passengers were then transferred to another plane and were able to continue their journey to their original destination.
The unexpected incident involving the IndiGo A320 flight was averted due to the quick thinking of the pilots. The passengers were relieved to have landed safely in Amritsar and were transferred to another plane to continue their journey. The Aviation Authority is currently investigating the incident to determine the cause of the engine shutdown.