Indigo Leaves 37 Passengers Stranded at Hyderabad Airport

Passengers at Hyderabad Airport stranded as Indigo flight fails to take off.

Aerofleets News19


On Wednesday, November 11th, 2020, low-cost Indian carrier Indigo Airlines left 37 passengers stranded at the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport in Hyderabad, India. The incident caused massive inconvenience and frustration among those affected, with many of the passengers reportedly not receiving adequate assistance or being given false information by the airline.

Indigo Leaves 37 Passengers Stranded

Indigo Airlines left 37 of its passengers stranded at the airport, with no flights available for them to continue their journey. The airline had canceled their onward flight on the same day and offered no alternative for the affected passengers. The airline reportedly cited commercial reasons for the flight cancellation, but did not provide further information as to why the passengers were left stranded at the airport.

The affected passengers, who had spent the previous night at the airport, had to wait for many hours before the airline finally arranged a new flight for them the next day. Despite Indigo’s action, the situation became heated and chaotic as the passengers expressed their dismay and anger at having to wait hours for their next flight.

Stranding Sparks Passenger Frustration

The passengers’ frustration was heightened by the lack of information and the inadequate assistance given to them by the airline. Some passengers reported that the airline staff provided false information about their flights being rescheduled and then leaving them stranded. One of the affected passengers, Mr. Peter Thomson, said he was told by the airline staff that his flight had been rescheduled to the next day, but then he was left stranded at the airport.

The situation caused significant distress among the affected passengers, with many of them having to spend the night at the airport. Others had to make alternative arrangements for accommodation, a process further complicated by the lack of information from the airline.

Airport Works to Accommodate Affected Travelers

The Rajiv Gandhi International Airport staff worked hard to ensure that the stranded passengers were provided with necessary assistance. The airport staff arranged for food and water for the passengers and provided help to those who needed to find alternative accommodation. Many passengers were also provided free hotel rooms and other facilities while they waited for their flights the next day.

The airport also set up counters to help the passengers who were trying to reschedule their flights or get a refund from the airline. Despite these efforts, the incident has come as reminder of the need to improve customer service and communication at airports and to ensure passenger convenience.


The incident at the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport in Hyderabad is a stark reminder of the importance of customer service and communication in the aviation industry. All airlines should be held accountable for their actions, and efforts should be made to ensure all passengers have a comfortable, stress-free experience when traveling. It is only through such efforts that the industry can go forward and provide the best possible service to its customers.


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