Nigeria Gov’t Asked to Investigate High Airfares

Nigerian gov't urged to probe soaring airfares amid outcry over cost.

Aerofleets News8


In recent years, airfares in Nigeria have become increasingly expensive, leading to a call from citizens and civil society organizations for the government to launch an investigation into the cause of the high fares. Many Nigerians are being forced to take more expensive flights in order to get where they need to go, particularly those who are travelling for business or leisure. This article examines the issue, looking at the causes of the high fares, the response of the government, and the impact on ordinary citizens.

Nigeria Airlines Face High Fares

Nigeria’s airline industry has been facing high fares for some time now, with prices showing no signs of coming down in the near future. The high fares have been attributed to several factors, including rising fuel costs, increasing competition between airlines, and an overall lack of regulation in the industry. Additionally, the prevalence of hidden fees and charges has also contributed to the high fares, as air carriers often charge additional fees for various services such as check-in and baggage handling.

The lack of competition in the Nigerian airline industry has also been a major factor in the high fares, with only a few operators offering flights to local and international destinations. This lack of choice has forced many Nigerian travelers to choose more expensive flights, as there are few alternatives to choose from. Furthermore, the high fares have been exacerbated by the Nigerian government’s refusal to offer subsidies or tax breaks to airlines operating in the country.

Gov’t Asked to Investigate

As a result of the high fares, citizens and civil society organizations have called on the Nigerian government to launch an investigation into the causes of the high fares. The organizations have argued that the high fares are hurting ordinary citizens, as well as businesses and the tourism industry, and that the government should intervene in order to provide relief.

The government has responded to the calls by stating that it is looking into the issue, but has yet to announce any concrete steps to address the problem. In the meantime, citizens and organizations have continued to call on the government to take action and to introduce measures that will allow for more competition in the airline sector and ultimately reduce fares for travelers.

Ordinary Citizens Hit Hardest

The high fares have had a particularly negative impact on ordinary Nigerians, many of whom are unable to afford the expensive travel costs. This has led to an increase in the number of people choosing to travel by road or by boat, both of which can be dangerous and time-consuming. Furthermore, the high fares have also had an impact on the Nigerian economy, as businesses are increasingly having to bear the cost of expensive airfares when sending employees to other locations.

The situation has become even more dire in recent weeks, as the coronavirus pandemic has further hindered the ability of Nigerians to access affordable air travel. With many countries imposing travel restrictions and airlines suspending flights, the cost of air travel has become even more prohibitive for many Nigerians.


The high fares charged by Nigerian airlines have created a serious problem for many citizens, particularly those who depend on air travel for business or leisure. The Nigerian government has yet to take meaningful action to address the issue, but it is clear that something must be done in order to make air travel more accessible and affordable for all Nigerians. In the meantime, citizens and organizations must continue to press the government to take action and to introduce measures that will reduce airfares.


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