Southwest Honors Service Dog With Terminal Cancer

Southwest Airlines honors service dog with terminal cancer and "a heart of gold."

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Recently, Southwest Airlines showed incredible compassion by honoring a service dog, named Jericho, with a special flight. Jericho was diagnosed with terminal cancer and has been given months to live. Despite his illness, Jericho was able to make some amazing memories and Southwest Airlines was happy to help.

Service Dog Honored With Southwest Flight

Jericho is a nine-year-old service dog for his owner, Yvonne, who suffers from epilepsy. Jericho has been Yvonne’s loyal companion for the past nine years and has helped her with daily tasks to reduce the risk of seizure.

Recently, Yvonne found out that Jericho was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Yvonne was devastated by the and determined to make the most of Jericho’s last days together. She determined to take the dog on a special flight with Southwest Airlines.

Yvonne reached out to the airline and they were more than happy to provide the service. Southwest Airlines gave Jericho and Yvonne a special flight to Houston and back. Jericho was treated with the utmost care and respect during the flight, with crew members and passengers alike taking time to say goodbye.

Terminal Cancer Diagnosis Doesn’t Stop Dog From Making Memories

Despite the heartbreaking news, Jericho and Yvonne were determined to make the most of their remaining time together. Yvonne took Jericho on a special trip to Houston, where the two of them were able to explore the city, take time for naps, and even visit a pet store.

The trip to Houston was a memorable experience for Jericho and Yvonne, as they were able to spend some quality time together before Jericho’s health deteriorates further. Yvonne remarked how much Jericho enjoyed the trip and was thankful for the opportunity.

Southwest Airlines Shows Compassion for Furry Traveler

Southwest Airlines showed incredible compassion by honoring Jericho with a special flight. The airline gave Jericho and Yvonne a complimentary flight to Houston and back, and the crew and passengers alike were more than happy to say goodbye to Jericho. Yvonne was thankful for the opportunity to make some special memories with her beloved companion and appreciates Southwest Airlines’ help in making it possible.


Overall, Southwest Airlines truly showed their compassion by honoring a service dog with a special flight. Jericho was diagnosed with terminal cancer and was given months to live, but that did not stop him from making some special memories with his owner, Yvonne. Yvonne was thankful for the chance to take Jericho on a special trip, and appreciates Southwest Airlines for providing their help.


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