Spanish ATC Stands Up Against Airport Tower Privatization

Spanish ATC takes a stand against airport tower privatization.

Aerofleets News19


The Spanish Air Traffic Controllers (ATC) are currently standing up against the proposal of airport tower privatization in Spain. This comes as a response to the plans of the Spanish government to transfer the control of certain airports to the private sector. The proposal of privatization is seen by the ATC as a threat to the job security of their members and a step backward in terms of the current standards of safety.

Spanish ATC Stands Up Against Privatization

In Spain, the Spanish Air Traffic Controllers Union (USCA) is leading the fight against the proposed privatization of Spanish airport towers. This comes as a response to a proposal by the Spanish government to transfer the control of certain airports to the private sector. USCA has been vocal in their opposition to the government’s plans, citing a potential threat to the job security of their members and a degradation of safety standards.

The ATC’s opposition has been echoed by the UNE aviation union, which represents Spanish pilots and mechanics. The union has stated that privatization of airport towers could lead to a “devastating impact” on the safety of air traffic control in the country. The union has also expressed its support for the Spanish ATC in its struggle against the plans of the government, arguing that the privatization of towers would lead to a race to the bottom in terms of safety standards.

Airport Tower Privatization Proposed in Spain

The proposal to privatize the control of Spanish airport towers has been made by the Spanish government as part of its efforts to reduce public sector expenditure. The government has argued that privatization would allow greater efficiency and cost savings while still maintaining the same standards of safety. However, the proposal has received widespread criticism from the ATC, who see the plans as a threat to their job security and a move away from current safety standards.

The government’s proposal has also been met with criticism from the UNE aviation union, which has argued that the privatization of airport towers could lead to a “devastating impact” on the safety of air traffic control in the country. The union has argued that privatization could lead to a race to the bottom in terms of safety standards, as the private sector would be incentivized to reduce costs at the expense of safety.

Advocates of Privatization Face ATC Opposition

In recent weeks, the Spanish Air Traffic Controllers Union (USCA) has taken a stand against the proposed privatization of airport towers. The union has argued that the transfer of control to the private sector could lead to a degradation of safety standards and a threat to the job security of its members. The union has urged the government to reconsider its plans, citing the potential risks of privatization.

The opposition of the ATC has been supported by the UNE aviation union, which has expressed its support for the fight against privatization. The union has argued that privatization could lead to a race to the bottom in terms of safety standards, as the private sector would be incentivized to reduce costs at the expense of safety.


In conclusion, the Spanish Air Traffic Controllers Union (USCA) is currently standing up against the proposal of airport tower privatization in Spain. The union has argued that the transfer of control to the private sector could lead to a degradation of safety standards and a threat to the job security of its members. The proposal has also been met with criticism from the UNE aviation union, which has argued that privatization could lead to a race to the bottom in terms of safety standards. As a result, the ATC and its advocates are actively opposing the privatization of Spanish airport towers.


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